ismi MAHFUZAN GADDAFI BIN MAHMUD, sedang menyambung pengajian di dalam Master in Syariah di UKM...

diriku seorang insan yang berjalan dimuka bumi Allah ingin mencari keredhaan Allah...diriku juga ingin mencari apa yang dikatakan sebagai ketenangan yang hakiki.....dan berada di dalam barisan harakah islamiah yang terus berjuangan menentang kebatilan yang berkuasa...

Reality of Jihad Bombing in my perspective,

Posted by hararahizbullah Thursday, November 19, 2009 1 comments

Recent rise of jihad bomb Harakah Muslim groups who oppose domination international Zionism (Jewish / Israel) and The Satanic Possession of the United States in various parts of the world. This is the belief that the group was not afraid of using these deadly tools in the struggle. Carrying a bomb taped to the body, like the bombers in humans in the war piloti. Equally driven by a human weapon. The risk was the same, even jihad bombing more "precision" in selecting targets rather than fighter planes took off "smart bomb" but in fact kill many innocent people like in Iraq and Afghanistan and Palestine.

Imagine our country was suddenly attacked by stealth bombers, F16 and American citizens as a result of RT-torn dead. Among the victims was the father-mother, your younger brother who still grade 1 go dead and your house was destroyed.

Meanwhile, a bomb due to stray from the "smart bomb" which is released from the American B2 bombers, too, exploded in a market that there happened to your lover is buying vegetables and fish. He was killed with his head as far apart as 300 m.

Then you live alone, all alone on this earth, no more relatives and the people around you that you love. Your country had reportedly gone to his knees in a matter of weeks later. Imagine, how would you feel then?

Well, not so long ago, rows of tanks, howitzers, helicopters and trucks, army trucks that are responsible to kill your relatives until well on your end of the village (at RT exactly where you had once lived as a child). Do you stand by and continue to cry? Or you come straight rows facing the tanks as the students of China in Tiananmen Square incident? Of course not!

You also would not be able to surrender with propaganda about the soldiers that they were coming to liberate your country from the cruel things.

Then there is a collection of young kids who want to fight the enemy, come to invite you to fight. But since no sophisticated weapons like they were, could not fight at close range. They all can kill you in the distance thousands of miles from where before you came to see them in the post-post. Satellite, spy plane unmanned, highly skilled radar sensors easily detect your presence long before you could think up to the enemy or not?

Then there is an effective technology to destroy them, namely, by attaching a bomb in your body and detonated near the enemy goal. Not possible because the bomb was removed from the body, and then detonated by "remote control" long-distance, while you can run far enough away from the bomb that brought. Because if such procedures were taken, you just bomb it off the jacket had been shot sniper from a distance or near. And you'll die in vain. Thus, jihad bomb technology, not a suicide bombing because killing self is forbidden in Islam.

Jihad bomb similar to that carried fighter planes and bombs in enemy territory in a very tight air defenses. Equally driven by a human bomb. Both have a high risk of broken and dead on the field of enemies. So could dikatakn Jihad bomb as a suicide bomb. This is the underlying thought some Islamic scholars who justify Jihad bombs to attack enemy targets on the front lines as dilakuakn the martyrs in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan and in other areas on earth that people hostile to Islam.

What about the death of target innocent civilians? Islam only prohibits killing children and women in combat areas if they are not caught armed resistance. But like the people of Israel for example, all citizens (women and men) were all reserve soldiers who are ready to fight to arms! So there is no ban on killing civilian women and men of the country! What about the people of the United States? Same thing! They are supported by taxpayers' political and loyal to their country, their money was later used His government to slaughter Muslims in many countries. So even though they were not directly involved.


Posted by hararahizbullah Sunday, November 8, 2009 0 comments

Salam ukhuwwah kerana Allah,

Kasih sayang Allah SWT tiada tolak bandingnya. Kasih Allah pasti membawa kepada kejayaan dan syurga berbanding kasih sayang manusia yang tidak semestinya membawa kepada kejayaan dan kebahagiaan. Bahkan kasih saying yang tidak bertempat akan membawa kehancuran dan kebinasaan.

Bila seorang ayah atau ibu mengasihi anaknya dengan cara yang salah maka akan terjadilah seperti yang dipaparkan oleh Tan Sri P Ramlee di dalam filem ‘Anakku Sazali’. Sehingga untuk menegur kesalahan pun tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menyusun ayat agar tidak terguris perasaan si anak, maka inilah sebab kepada kehancuran anak itu. Bila tanda kasih adalah dengan mencurahkan kekayaan dan kemewahan serta menunaikan segala kehendak si anak, maka akan lahirlah anak yang sombong dan bongkak.

Allah SWT mencintai hambaNya dengan pelbagai cara yang sangat mengandungi unsur tarbiyyah dan didikan. Tidak ada makhluk yang paling dicintai oleh Allah SWT selain daripada Saiyyiduna Rasulullah SAW. Namun Baginda tidak pernah sunyi dari ujian, kepayahan dalam dakwah serta kesusahan dalam kehidupan. Adakah itu semua bermakna Allah SWT tidak mengasihi Baginda SAW?. Jawabnya tidak sama sekali tidak!. Rasulullah SAW pernah ditawarkan gunung ganang Makkan ditukar menjadi emas lalu diberikan kepada Baginda SAW. Namun Baginda SAW telah menolak tawaran tersebut dengan penuh adab serta dengan ilham dari Allah SWT. Sebaliknya Baginda SAW memohon supaya dijadikan kenyang sehari dan lapar sehari. Semuanya itu adalah kerana Baginda mahu menjadi hamba yang bersyukur.

Dalam masa yang sama, Allah SWT mendidik sekalian hambaNya bahawa kesenangan hidup dan kekayaan harta bukanlah segala-galanya, ia bukan sebab kepada kebahagiaan dan ketenangan jiwa. Berapa ramai yang berputus asa dengan kehidupan dunia dan yang penuh tipu daya ini dan ramai jua yang telah tenggelam dengan mabuk dunia hingga hilang jatidiri dan rosaklah kejernihan hati.

Di dalam sebuah hadis, Rasulullah SAW telah mengingatkan kita bahawasanya Allah SWT apabila mengasihi hambanya; maka Allah SWT akan menguji hambaNya itu dengan ujian serta musibah. Lalu sesiapa yang redha dan sabar, ia akan terpilih sebagai hamba yang sabar dan bersyukur di sisi Allah SWT. Terangkatlah ia di sisi Rabbul ‘Alamin sebagai hamba yang muqarrabin dan dekat denganNya lalu layak dicurahkan rahmat dan keampunan dariNya.

Sabar dan redha dengan ujian Allah jua menjadi sebab kepada terhapusnya dosa dan terangkatnya kedudukan dan darjat di sisi Allah. Semakina berat ujian maka semakin besarlah pahalanya dan semakin cerah peluang untuk dekat dengan Allah SWT. Rugilah mereka yang tidak diuji. Lebih besar kerugian mereka yang tidak sabar dengan ujian. Dan, siapa kita untuk tidak diuji oleh Allah SWT.